10 July 2012

The Laws of Futility 2 July 2012 ex?Peace

The futility of ego-based perspective

"Ego" is that part of mind that believes that it is separate from mind.

  1. We will always be learning -- No matter how much the ego learns it can never know.
  2. We will always want more -- No matter how much we do, have or give it will never be enough.
  3. We will always be bodies -- No matter how close we bring our bodies to each other we can never become one.
  4. We will always mis-interpret -- No matter how many images, symbols, words or languages we master we can never truly communicate.

I am that which thinks that it is separate from everyone and everything else.

I use words, sound vibrations and body movements to deliver what I think and feel.

I am not a singularity, I am not special, I am not unique. I am a multi-personality fictional concoction of past lives, histories, traditions and superstitions delivered to me from all my ancestors through my mother and my father, my aunts and uncles, my brothers and my sisters, my teachers and my neighbours.

PS: This is based on my birthright as Brian O Dowd. This identity is false. My real Identity is based on my creationright.

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