08 July 2012

Subjective Participatory Universe 29 September 2010 ex?Peace

Teaching "Peace of Mind Healing" in Cork college of Commerce and maybe Colaiste Stiofan Naomha next week. First class is introductions and explanation about becoming present. I get people to look at a view, any view and tell me what they see. And then we'll do the scan our bodies. The main idea is to get people to accept that there are no right answers because we live in a subjective universe.

I get people to make observations. I emphasise that all observations are subjective. What I see and what you see may not be the same even though we use the same words to describe it. And even the words we use are subject to our own interpretation of them. The "Word" or "Logos" was always one that fascinated me.

Recently I came across an explanation that the original Greek word 'logos' meant ratio or proportion. The idea that the Greek philosophers were trying to get across was that there is a common ratio inherent in everything. They referred to this ratio as the Golden Mean, but now it is more commonly referred to as the Phi Ratio. The number is 1.618033988...

Gregg Braden in Fractal Time advanced the idea that time also behaves according to this ratio. It gives a good explanation of why time seems to be speeding up. In the first cycle, 100 years felt like a 100 years, in the second cycle it feels like 61.8 years, in the third cycle it feels like 38.2 and in the fourth cycle it feels like 23.6 and so on (Keep dividing by 1.618033988).

The other idea that Gregg postulates is that the universe is participatory. While we can make observations, we can not make objective observations. We are taking part in, and changing, the universe by observing it. Wow! "What we see is what we get" is true.

So, ask yourself what you really want from the universe. Having tried many ways, diets, exercises, and life-style changes the conclusion I've come to is that the only way to be happy is to be happy; the only way to be in peace is to be peaceful.

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