08 July 2012

Round and Round - 9 January 2010 exLJ

From one plane to another - thoughts going round and round. The part of us that can't see what is really going on finds it difficult or nearly impossible to trust the part that does. And, thus, has a real problem with letting it take control.

How do we undo decisions that we had no part in making. For that matter, how do we undo decisions that we feel completely responsible for. Our parents had sex and we were conceived and later we were born. The society, the religion, the social class, the bodies we were born into, we had nothing to do with. A few questions arise
  • who or what is this "I" of which we speak?
  • how do we know that we have no part in our non-decisions?
  • how do we know we were completely responsible for those decisions we think we made?
  • can we go back? Can we really go back?
To go back in time, if there is a solid space/time connection, we have to go back in space. We have difficulty overcoming the simple gravity of planet Earth. How are we going to shift the whole Earth, solar system, galaxy, universe back in space?

"I" is a declaration of separation. We believe that we are each separate and that we are separate in our own bodies. And from this belief springs nearly all the concepts that we use.

There is only mind, always and everywhere present. To mind, the whole universe, past, present and to come is freely available. So to go back or to go forward, to go here or to go there is simply a matter of tuning into the state we want!


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