05 July 2012

Conspiracy Theories - 9 June 2007 exLJ

Been reading a few different conspiracy theory books - Icke mainly. Read Sitchin's End of Days as well. And, of course, I watched Conspiracy Theory again. Icke's major theory is that the dinosaurs never became extinct, that they evolved into humans. Very like the Super Mario Brothers movie, except that he maintains that they are alive and well and living all around us. He does go on and on about the horrors that these cold blooded reptiles get up to with us warm blooded mammals. By the end I was accusing him of genetic discrimination.

I suppose the cynic in me says "What the hell difference does it make who we've evolved from as long as we've made it here". Then I remembered seeing huge similarities between the whale anatomy in the National Gallery and ours. So much so that I commented that maybe we are devolved from the whales.

The conclusion that I've come to is that all conspiracy theories are based on the ultimate conspiracy of them all - the one that maintains that we are only bodies. Once I accept fully that I'm mind, all mind, then nothing can get to me, nobody else can do anything to me, unless, of course, I want them to, or I allow them to.

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