25 April 2011

David Narby - Chapter 7 - History Part 2

I took Ruishk’s advice and as I entered the hospital I started whistling the first song that came into my head. It was the theme music from the film “The Sting” composed by Scott Joplin. As I walked the corridors towards GF I got some strange looks and a few smiles. I said to myself, “What the heck, this is not a mortuary.”

When we had settled down in GF, I told them about my experiences with Ruishk and my climb up the mountains. They were all very interested. Smigs was the first to speak.

He said, “Paps D’Anu, hmmmm, its interesting that the Irish should be using an ancient Sumerian word as a name for mountains. The ‘D’ is short form for ‘De’ and means god. So the mountains are dedicated to the god Anu. He was one of the oldest gods in the Sumerian pantheon, and part of a triad formed with his two sons, Enlil and Enki or Ea. He was regarded as the father and the first king of the gods.”

Clivid interrupted, “I am the Lord, your God, and you shall not place strange gods before me.”

Smigs continued, “Yes, Clivid, that is the Christian teaching. My research into the Bible was triggered by the use of the word ‘Elohim’ for God, whereas in Hebrew the word is a plural form and means gods. Sumer, the first modern civilisation, is referred to in the bible as Shinar (Genesis 10:10), and this prompted me to think that the bible might be historically correct. The history of Earth, as told in Sumerian tablets of clay, predates their civilisation by hundreds of thousands of years.”

Clivid said, “According to the bible the world was created at nine o clock on the morning of the 23 October 4004 BC.”

Smigs said, “That is a calculation made by Bishop Ussher of Ulster and published in 1650 AD. It was added into the margins of many bibles after that date, but actually, in older versions there is no date assigned.”

Darukin said, “Ussher gives a very specific date that may not be very accurate. Modern science estimates the Earth was formed over four and a half billion years ago. May I ask you, Smigs, what convinced you that the bible is history rather than a story recorded as history to get a message across?”

Smigs replied, “There are historically verified dates for some of the later happenings in the Old Testament. In historical research there is always the concern that what is verified by many sources may be just different interpretations or versions of one source. This is true of the earlier books of the Old Testament, those talking about events before the advent of historical records. My research into Sumerian, Egyptian, Akkadian, Hittite, Babylonian and Hebrew histories showed that there was correlation of the biblical story. They were all talking about the same events. What really convinced me, though, is that they were talking about the same events from the different perspectives of opposing sides.”

Clivid said, “(Gen 1:26–28) On the sixth day God created Man in His Image and Likeness and told them to go forth, be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth."

Smigs said, “The creation of Man story comes from one source, the Sumerian. Even in Genesis there are two versions of it. The Sumerian records are far more detailed and describe what we would call, in modern scientific jargon, a feat of genetic engineering. Without going into all the detail, around two hundred thousand BC, the Annunaki scientists from the planet Nibiru took the DNA of the then existing Homo Erectus and merged it with their own to form a new species that we refer to as Homo Sapiens.”

Darukin said, “Maybe both versions of the Creation story are valid. The first one is telling how God created Homo Erectus and the second one is telling how the Annunaki genetically engineered Homo Sapiens.”

Hix vehemently interjected, “Genesis! Annunaki! Nibiru! Homo Erectus! Why do I have to sit here and listen to this rubbish? What has all this got to do with our reality.”

Will said, “Hix, you don’t have to sit here, this is elective, you can leave if you wish. To
get a better grasp of what you call reality we need to understand how we got into it. Looking at the history of man on this planet can help us do that.”

Hix said, “I accept that, but David’s trip to the Paps D’Anu was only a side-bar to his experience of fear when he tried to open the door to Truth. Why can’t we talk about that rather than this boring historical garbage?”

Smigs answered, “Maybe the creation story is not so relevant to your experience here, Hix, but what came after is. The Annunaki had a history of millions of years on their own planet and had a highly developed and sophisticated social system that depended on kingship and hierarchy for its continuation. This they transferred to Earth, and is now the basis of all family, social, religious and political structures as well as all the organisations in the world.”

Hix said, “We live in a democratic society, we have free elections. There has not been a king or queen in Ireland for hundreds of years.”

Smigs said, “The title is not used, but the effect is the same. Whether the figure head is called Taoiseach, Prime Minister, President, Chairman or Pope they all believe that they get their authority from God. The granting of this authority is shown in many ancient civilisations as the sun or a winged disc shining above the head of the receiver. The winged disc is the symbol for Nibiru.”

Darukin said, “Ancient civilisations are commonly portrayed as sun worshippers. They were much more than that, they were sun watchers, believing that the state of the sun determined everything that happens on Earth. And they were right. Modern scientific studies have shown that there are important links between solar and geomagnetic rhythms and a wide range of human and animal health and wellness indicators. Even historical events like war, social unrest, military events and acts of terrorism can be correlated with the solar cycles.”

Hix said, “Again I ask, what has this got to do with me?”

Hix had been glaring at both Darukin and Smigs while they were talking. Will was scratching his head and I could see that he was getting a bit agitated. I was enjoying Smigs’ account of creation and ancient history and was thankful that he had picked up on my trip to the mountain rather than them talking about my fear at the doorway. I was to be disappointed as Will said,

“Hix, Smigs is giving us a background to the situation that we all find ourselves in now. We can look at history in many ways, whether it is true or false, relevant or irrelevant, but we need to remember that it is always written to suit someone's agenda.”

I said, “That’s true, they always put a spin on their stories. They use information, misinformation or disinformation depending on what emotion they want to create in their readers.”

Will continued “Whatever version of history is correct, it is obvious that the underlying emotion to it was fear. And it is still fear that we all have to learn to deal with.”

Charlie said, “Yes indeed, whether the source of the fear is known, unknown, or unknowable. Taking David’s experience in the warehouse, the objects that he saw are known, what was in the closed boxes are unknown, but what was behind the door is unknowable.”

I was beginning to get defensive. I had crossed my legs, and pulled my arms around my chest. I felt my whole body tightening up. I looked around at the others and I could see similar reactions. Hix was trembling and was totally wrapped up in herself. Will asked,

“Hix, are you all right?”

Hix replied in a very weak and shaky voice, “Yea, I’m just fine.”

Looking at her I thought she was going to get sick, but then something seemed to snap in her and she said,

“When David described his experience of fear at the doorway, an image of my parents bedroom door filled my mind. I was standing outside the door with a premonition that something terrible had happened. For ever so long I just stood there and could not move a muscle.”

Will asked, “Can you open the door now?”

Hix replied, “No, when we were growing up there was a rule that we could not go into their room if the door was closed. We always assumed that they might be up to something.”

As she said this she gave a small shrug and smiled as if she were a little embarrassed about what might be going on behind closed doors.

Will asked, “What do you think caused your premonition and sense of terror outside their room?”

Hix said, “I don’t know.” And recovering her usual poise, she smiled, “Maybe, just like David I’ve got a very dark secret buried in a box in my mind. Now, I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

Everyone went quiet for a while. I had been watching Annorr, She had sat in a very relaxed upright posture and looked very serene. Clivid began to chant the words ‘original sin’ over and over. Rather than getting annoyed with him I asked,

“Clivid, what is original sin?”

Clivid replied, “Sin is any thought, word, deed or omission that is grievously wrong and is committed with clear knowledge, full consent and contrary to the Will of God. Original sin is the sin that Adam and Eve committed in the Garden of Eden when they ate the fruit of the forbidden tree.”

I asked, “And what happens if you commit a sin?”

Clivid replied, “Eternal damnation...”

Will interrupted, “There can be no such thing as sin, because nobody knows the Will of God. Original sin is our belief that we are separated from God and is usually associated with the Fall. No one knows what state we were in when we were born. However, during our first year of life we formed a dual unity with our mothers. Over the following couple of years we separated from this state, and instead of returning to the unknowable state, we became convinced that we are bodies. Calling this act of separation a sin, and making us suffer for it in fear and guilt, has been the tool for the suppression of mankind since time began.”

Annorr said, “Fear makes us blind, what we fear to see we cannot see. Both Hix and David are terrified of looking at something. Hix’s fear is based on an event that happened in her life, whereas David’s is referred to as the ‘fear of God’.”

Hix said, “You know nothing about me.”

Annorr said, “I don’t know your history, but I can tell from watching you that when you think about your doorway, your body reacts like you are remembering something terrible. David, on the other hand, had only a slight bodily reaction, he’s afraid of what might happen whereas you are afraid of what happened.”

I said, “How could I be afraid of something that I believe is Love?”

Annorr said, “Fear of God is the expression used, but it is fear of total annihilation. When you looked at the objects and boxes you were thinking in terms of images that you normally see with your eyes. When they disappeared and your warehouse was filled with stars you were seeing with your mind. You were still happy with this. You could not open the door because you thought that going through the door meant that you were leaving everything you knew behind, that you would be sacrificing yourself, and that you would enter a void, an abyss so deep that you would be lost forever. If everything you knew was in the warehouse what could be through that door but something terrible. And this threatens you.”

I said, “I have been in many life threatening situations, in various parts of the world. I never felt fear like that before.”

Annorr said, “You perceived those threats as outside your self, whereas this one was internal, in your own mind. There is a part of your mind, a personality as Will calls it, that refuses to let go, to set you free. This part will do anything to stop you from realising what you are in reality.”

I asked, “What am I in reality?”

Annorr asked, “What do you think you are?”

I said, “I’m a body, except when I have out-of-body experiences.”

Annorr asked, “And what part of you did all those out-of-body experiences?”

Acting dumb, I said, “I dunno, maybe it was all hallucinations.”

Annorr smiled and said, “They are not hallucinations, they are real, everything else you see is an illusion or maybe even a delusion. Delusions created by your ego-personalities to keep you locked in this prison world of threat and defenses.

In this prison world we think we need defenses to keep us safe from the constant bombardment of ideas of sickness, death and destruction. We always have to have lots of protection against all sorts of attack, whether those attacks come from natural or man-made sources.”

Hix said, “Are you trying to tell us that there is no sickness, no death, and no perils in this world we inhabit? What about epidemics, crashes, floods, earthquakes, wars and terrorist attacks; to name but a few of the many potential hazards we all live with every day.”

Annorr said, “All these things threaten bodies. But we are not bodies.”

Hix said, “When I look around this room, I see bodies sitting in chairs. When I look out the window I can see bodies walking around and you are trying to tell me that they don’t exist. Or maybe they are all figments of my imagination.”

Charlie said, “They are all the result of your identification, of what you think you are.”

Annorr said, “When we think of ourselves as separate we see bodies, we look through the body’s eyes and only see an objective world of matter. When we open our minds, and accept that there might be more to it than this, we can see with our minds and learn to see the world differently.

Earlier Smigs and Darukin talked about God’s creation of man as the creation of bodies out of dust, or as the merging of two species. Clivid quoted that man was created with the same qualities as God. Let’s look at just two of God’s qualities: God is everywhere and God is One. So Oneness is everywhere, and we all share in the universal Oneness of God’s Creation. We are All One Mind.”

Hix said, “It might be true that we are all one mind, but I am sitting here feeling pain and aches in my body and thinking that my brain is going to explode.”

Ruishk had got me to scan through my body to achieve peace of mind. I was reluctant to mention it and felt a bit awkward about trying to be a ‘healer’.

Will said, “When David was telling us about his recent experiences he mentioned that Ruishk had used a technique to get him into body neutral. David, maybe you could lead us all through that process.”

I said, “I don’t know if I can remember what he said and asked me to do.”

Will said, “Don't worry, you don’t have to be absolutely accurate. It’s more than likely, though, that when you start you’ll get it word for word perfect.”

I got them all to scan through their bodies three times. I dropped the bit about remembering what you feel where and about telling me. As I watched them scan, I was amazed how they all changed their body positions. Everyone put their feet flat on the floor, sat upright in their chairs and laid their hands gently in their laps. In particular, I paid close attention to Hix. With each scan the tension in her face eased and by the end of the third scan she looked peaceful. Everyone sat in silence and the room was calm. As I watched Hix I could see the tension returning to her face. She opened her eyes and looked straight at me.

She said, “Thank you David. I felt for a moment that I had made it into peace, and then I started thinking again. The same old thoughts that I always think.”

Will said, “It’s always the same, we get our moments of peace, and then our old thought patterns of attack and defense emerge again.”

Annorr said, “We need to preserve our peace by careful watching. If we think attack thoughts, start judging, or make plans against uncertainties to come, we have again identified with the body and this identification attacks the body. It is the mind that is sick. To use Will’s terminology, we all suffer from Paranoid Schizophrenia.”

Will said, “But not everyone is locked up in asylums.”

Darukin said, “Unless we see this world as an asylum ruled by fear and guilt.”

Annorr said, “I didn’t mean the clinical definition. We all believe that our minds are split off and we are all walled off from each other. Ruishk’s technique allows us to become present. When we become present healing flashes across our open minds, and peace and truth take the place of fear and guilt. When we are healed the body does not feel at all, there is no sense of feeling ill or well, and no feeling of pain or pleasure. The mind does not respond at all to what the body does.

This removes the limits we place upon the body by the purposes we give it. The body's health is fully guaranteed, because it is not limited by time, by weather or fatigue, by food and drink, or any laws we made it serve before. We need do nothing now to make it well, for sickness has become impossible.”

Hix said, “At times, Annorr, I think you should be locked up in here. Everything you say totally contradicts what the world believes.”

Annorr said, “Hix, maybe I should be. The world is insane, an insanity fuelled by defenses. Our defenses are an insane device for self-deception. Their purpose is to hide reality and to keep the truth from being whole. We see ourselves as separate humans, yet each of us believe we are whole within ourselves. God created Truth - we are all One and this Oneness is Heaven. Heaven is the decision we must make. It appears to us that we have a million choices, but we really only have one: hell or Heaven, slavery or freedom, scarcity or abundance. So, what do you choose?”

Hix said, “Of course, I choose Heaven. I don’t get it, though. Why, if I choose Heaven, don’t I get it?”

Annorr said, “We believe we must defend ourselves against the truth. Our defenses are intentional and are made with awareness. We erect them so quickly they seem to be unconscious. We see truth as a threat, decide escape is necessary, and set up our defenses accordingly. We then convince ourselves to forget that we have made the decision and so believe it comes from outside ourselves. Continuing this crazy logic, we first make fragments of the whole, then reassemble them without regard to all their true relationships, and are left with illusions of a whole that is not there. And so we all see a world full of images and objects each having its own separate reality where no such consensus reality exists.”

I said, “So, my reaction of fear at the doorway was a decision I made, a defense I set up.”

Annorr said, “Yes, David, you are not ready yet to drop all your defenses. We are inclined to think in terms of separate bodies. We don’t see ourselves as brothers. There is an exercise we can do to help us overcome this. As we look around at each other, we see bodies. Now close your eyes and try to make a connection with everyone.”

I closed my eyes. As I watched I could see some small lights which did not remain visible for very long I got the feeling that other people had joined us in the room and that more and more were coming in. I began to get nervous. The room seemed to be filling up. I was beginning to feel oppressed. I opened my eyes and there was only the seven of us sitting there.

I said, “I thought the room was full of people until I opened my eyes.”

Annorr said, “We were all connecting with each other and that opened our minds to many more.”

Clivid said, “(Matthew 18:20) When two or more are gathered together in my name, there also am I.”

I said, “I began to get afraid.”

Annorr said, “When we begin to open our minds that which has kept them closed does not want it to happen. It senses its end and does everything in its power to hold on. With practice we learn to overcome the fear and realise the Glory that is all around us all the time.”

Will said, “It’s getting late. I think we’ve had enough for one day.”


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