03 April 2013

Becoming Aware of the Illusion Maker

This is not an attempt to copy the National Geographic Logo. It just turned out that way.

I have been assured again and again that everything that I see is an illusion. I have found this very hard to believe when it all seems so real to my senses.

A little bit of theory: 

When we are very small we have no ability to identify with anything or anyone. All the experts agree that at some stage this changes and we begin to identify with images. There is little agreement on when this stage happens and it really does not matter to us since now we believe what our senses tell us. We have made a self-image that we are convinced is our good selves. The illusion is that we take this self-image to be ourselves. And because we believe it we sense everything outside ourselves as the same.

A little bit of practice:

What you need to do is look at a blank space with a frame around it. An open doorway is usually easiest to find. You need the frame to help you focus on the plane of the blank space in the doorway. Concentrate on a spot at eye-level at the centre of the frame. Keep watching for as long as you can.

If you wish to share your experience or have need of further help in identifying the Illusion Maker contact me via the comment box, on Google+, Facebook, or bodowd@gmail.com.

1 comment:

  1. Yeap, not a helpful one that "everything is an illusion". That's why I advise people stay away from Buddhist stuff for as long as they can manage ;-) ... As it is being peddled around here as some kind of truth, or even better.

    They've even started translating Maya totally differently lately.

    Even Illusion is not the illusion it used to be. What times are we living in, a!

    I prefer better Everything Is Real. It is a much shorter short-cut. No door frame necessary for that one.
