01 March 2012

David Narby - Chapter 8 - Strange Lessons

I had started reading one of the books in the house’s library called the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. The Tibetans proposed a simple technique, the same technique that Mi-Li-Sam had shared with me. Their argument was simple. If we were going to run in the Olympics we would not arrive at the stadium on the day of the race without any preparation. We would have trained and worked hard and would have had to run many races to prove that we were up to Olympic standards. They said to regard death in the same way. Death will be the biggest single event in our lives and we had better prepare for it. To do this we need to catch ourselves falling asleep, because sleep is like a little death.

Every night I did this and only caught myself falling asleep once or twice. But, what was very interesting, is that I was aware of things happening either before I woke up or just after I woke up. I would wake up and keep my eyes closed. Even though I knew I was awake and lying in my bed, I found myself in some strange situations. Where or when I was I had no idea and definitely had no control over them. And then I remembered what Ruishk had said at our first meeting on the bus, that it was my mind that decided when and where I would travel so that I learn my lessons. I had learned to trust the people in GF enough to be able to share these experiences with them and ask them for their explanations.

I was not sure how to bring up the subject on my next visit to GF. As it turned out, I didn’t have to. After our usual greetings and our inevitable chat about the weather Will started talking about strange experiences. He asked me,

“David, did you ever hear about the headless horseman?”

I replied, “When I was a boy I had a grand-uncle P who used to scare us out of our wits telling us all kind of weird stories. He often talked about the headless horseman. His stories were all local and about people we knew. I never had the courage to look for confirmation because P had a reputation for making up stories and making them interesting by pretending that they happened to locals. The other reason I never asked is that most of us are unwilling to talk about our strange experiences.”

Will said, “It’s true we don't like talking about them, definitely not in here and especially not with the staff. But we have accepted that you don’t share anything we say with the staff. Hix and Darukin had a strange encounter yesterday evening.”

I asked, “What happened?”

Will said, “They were standing in the corridor talking to each other, and Clivid thumped into Hix’s back. Her eyes popped wide open and she got a faraway look on her face. She said that she saw something strange but she’ll only tell us if you ask her nicely.”

I said, “She wants me to plead with her to tell us what she saw.”

Will said, “David, give it a try, just ask her nicely.”

I said, “Please Hix, tell us what you saw last night.”

Hix said, “That’s not asking nicely.”

I scratched my head and wondered, Will whispered in my ear that maybe I should try calling her Helen.

I asked again, “Please Helen, could you please tell us what you saw last night, if you don’t mind.”

Hix replied, “Why David, I’d be more than pleased to tell you.”

She was silent for quite a while. I was beginning to think I needed to ask again when she continued in a very quiet voice.

“As Will said, myself and Darukin were chatting. I got this very strong whooshing sensation through my body and closed my eyes for a moment. When I opened them Darukin was gone and all I could see was a huge ball of incandescent rainbow light. It was like a huge bubble with a radiant light in its centre. Then my mind went blank and I don’t remember anything until I woke up this morning.”

Clivid ranted, “Now you’re beginning to sound like David. You had an hallucination.”

Hix said, “Just because you did not see what I saw you call it an hallucination. It was a real experience to me.”

Will said, “None of us saw what Hix saw, but I accept that that does not mean that she did not have a real experience. I suppose it brings us to the heart of the matter when it comes to our experiences outside the realm of accepted consensual reality. Because most of our experiences are subjective we can’t get agreement from anyone else about them.”

Darukin said, “Don’t go looking for agreement, just enjoy the experience and learn from it. We all have dreams that appear very real to us, but when we wake up we realise that they were not real, they were just dreams.”

Annorr said, “What we call our waking reality is as much a dream as what we experience in dreams.”

Will said, “Let’s agree, for the purposes of our conversations here, that any experience we have, whether we are awake, asleep or in some altered state, we’ll accept as a real subjective experience and not go accusing each other of hallucinating or being crazy or insane.”

Darukin said, “I agree, but let’s remember we are in an insane asylum, after all.” As he said this he laughed and we all laughed along with him.

Annorr said, “When I was learning Reiki I had problems using the symbols. Some time after I had become a master, I had three experiences in-between sleeping and waking. In the first one I was looking at a granite wall that had exquisitely carved Egyptian symbols on it. I just watched, and nothing happened. The second one was the same except that the symbols were Japanese. The third one was the same again but this time the symbols were Tibetan. Again, I just watched and was not really interested.

Then, I had a fourth experience where all the symbols were lying broken on the ground and a guide took me through the wall. We tunneled for quite some time until we came out in total blackness. I couldn't understand what they were all about until a psychic reader told me I was dealing mainly with primeval energy.”

I said, “That’s funny because in some of my recent experiences I was opening ley-lines around Ireland, Britain and Europe. One of the really vivid ones was that I was digging through a huge rock blockage between France and Germany.”

Hix asked, “What are ley-lines?”

Darukin answered, “They are channels for energy flow on or near the surface of the earth, just like acupuncture channels in the body. Stagnant or blocked energy in the body can be moved by activating acupoints. For the Earth the same affect can be achieved by placing large obelisk stones at nodal points on the ley lines. All these nodal points were identified by megalithic structures such as standing stones, dolmens or, the inappropriately named, burial mounds.”

Will asked, “David, what was the feeling you were experiencing while you were digging.”

I said, “I was feeling very frustrated and wondering would I ever get through to the other side. That same feeling of frustration permeated the experience I had of carrying the pope on my back for thousands of miles across a desert with the aim of getting him to the Pyrenees.”

Will asked, “And when did that one happen?”

I answered, “A couple of weeks before I broke through the rock blockage.”

Will asked, “And did you get him there.”

I said, “Yes, I did, much to my relief. I was delighted to get him off my back.”

Will said, “It may be that these experiences are mirroring some blockage in your life, some source of frustration for you. But, in both cases, you achieved your objective, you broke through the rock blockage and you did deliver the pope.”

I said, “I have made, as you probably gathered, a major life changing decision recently.”

Will said, “I think that the pope represents your ego, and your life work is a process of dropping it. The other thing that the feeling of frustration might be showing you is that it might be time for you to give up your stubborn endurance.”

I was tempted to react to this until I realised that I had always been like a dog with a bone. Once I got my teeth into something I’d never let go until the job was done. And then I remembered another recent experience on waking up.

I said, “I was flying all over the place with a few of my friends and then I realised that I had to get up. In my mind I could see myself reluctantly putting on a heavy rucksack that was very full of garbage.”

Annorr said, “Poor David, you really are getting triggered to drop your ego.”

Charlie said, “We are slowly but surely drifting away from the headless horseman and Hix’s experience of the rainbow bubble.”

Hix said, “Thank you Charlie.”

Charlie continued, “On one of your previous visits, Annorr used the phrase ‘we first make fragments of the whole, and then reassemble them without regard to all their true relationships’. In the teachings of the Shamans of Ancient Mexico this was seen as the function of the Assemblage Point. They saw the functioning of this point as key to how we perceive the universe, and getting control of it as giving us Mastery of Awareness. Their basic premises were

  • The universe is an infinite collection of energy fields, resembling threads of light.
  • These energy fields radiate from a source of inconceivable proportions.
  • Human beings are composed of a vast number of these same threadlike energy fields, which form an encased amalgam. This manifests itself as a ball of light the size of a person’s body with the arms extended laterally, like a giant luminous sphere.
  • Only a very small group of the energy fields inside this luminous ball are lit up by a point of intense brilliance located on the ball’s surface.
  • Perception occurs when the energy fields in that small group immediately surrounding the point of brilliance extend their light to illuminate identical energy fields outside the ball. We only perceive the energy fields lit by the point of brilliance.
  • The point of brilliance can be moved from its usual position on the surface of the luminous ball to another position on the surface, or into the interior. When it moves to a new position it immediately brightens up new energy fields, making them perceivable.
  • When the point of brilliance shifts, it makes possible the perception of an entirely different world – as objective and factual as the one we normally perceive.

So, when we are having these strange dreams or experiences, what we are doing is moving our Assemblage Point or our point of brilliance from one position to another.”

Hix sighed and asked sarcastically, “Yes, Professor Casey, but what has all that to do with my experience?”

Will said, “Maybe, Charlie, you could explain it in simpler terms.”

Charlie replied, “OK, OK, we all think we perceive the world the same way. We have a fixed frame of reference for looking at the stuff of the universe. When Clivid bumped into Hix he changed her mode of perception. She shifted into energy awareness and saw Darukin’s energy emanations as light. All the rest of us continued to see Darukin as a body.”

Hix asked, “Are you saying that I was the only one that seen Darukin that way?”

Charlie replied, “Yes, your heightened state of awareness was unique to you. How long did you stay in that mode?”

Hix answered, “I don’t know, as I said already, my mind went blank...”

Charlie interrupted, “Are you sure you can’t remember anything else?”

Hix said, “Is this an interrogation? I don’t remember...”

She went silent for quite a while and then she continued, “The whole place looked very weird. I could see blobs of light around me...”

Silence again. Charlie was getting impatient. Hix looked terrified. Charlie was about to ask another question as Will interrupted him, “I don’t think we’re going to get anywhere with Hix, let’s leave her alone.”

Hix said, “It’s all right. I can talk about this, now. I seemed to be moving through time and space. There was a lot of flickering lights that I passed through. They may have been doorways. I came to an open door into a room that was filled with red light, like the red of a Valentine’s rose.

“The feeling in the room was intense. I was very frightened. There was a bed in the room with two figures lying very still on it. I looked and looked at them and began to wonder who they were. Slowly it dawned on me that they were my parents. I tried to pull myself closer to them. I could not move. They were too still, no sign of breathing, no movement at all. My sense of dread was mounting. I was beginning to panic. I collapsed.”

Hix started sobbing, “My parents are dead.” I went over to her, and very uncharacteristically for me, gave her a hug.

Charlie said, “You just had an intense recapitulation experience.”

Will said, “Charlie, I don’t think this is the time to get into explanations. It’s getting late. Maybe we can get into it the next time we meet.”

Annorr said, “Whatever you call it, Charlie, I think Hix was ready. If we just live our lives, everything we need to learn will be presented to us when we are ready.”

Hix got up and as she left the room she said, “I don’t think I need this any more.”

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